
Poland Rotary Flag Program

The Poland Rotary club will install a flag in your front yard covering the six major holidays:
Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Patriot Day (9/11) & Veterans Day.

For new subscribers, orders must be received by May 1st to be installed by Memorial day

A plastic pipe is permanently buried in your yard, flush with the ground to hold the flagstaff in place

A 3'x5' flag on a 10' staff will be placed in the holder

A plastic cap will cover the pipe when not in use

We purchase the flags with mountings and we store and maintain them. It is all done for you! Proceeds from this program are used to support local youth, community and international Rotary projects.

Fill out the electronic form below or print and mail this order form:

Make checks payable to Poland Rotary - This service is offered to all businesses and residents of Poland Ohio.